The Town of Apple Valley Senior Housing News
Thinking about checking out Jess Ranch, Del Webb, Wyndham Rose Sun City, Solera?
Currently there are 39 homes listed on in the Senior Communities.
The average home is 1465 sq ft. is $106.12 per sq ft. and is listed for $169,881.
The lowest priced home is $53,000 it is 670 sq. ft.
The highest priced home is $399,000 and is 3075 sq. ft.
There are 9 homes contingent,
The average home is 1538 sq ft and is $87.26 a sq. ft.
16 homes are about to get new owners. (These are in escrow.)
The average home is 1393 sq ft and is $104.53 per sq ft. and is listed for $156,670.
27 homes have sold in the last six months. The average home is 1541 sq ft. is
$177,183.00 and is $112.96 a sq ft. The lowest price home sold for $98,500. The most expensive house sold for $279,752.
Are there bank owned homes you are asking……..
3 of the active listings are bank owned
2 are contingent
2 are pending and
4 have sold.
Short sales are also a factor also,
7 of the active listings are short sales
3 are contingent
2 are pending and
2 have sold.
These Senior Communities are at the end of Apple Valley Road south of Bear Valley Road. It’s near shopping, movies and restaurants. Also GOLF!
Each area has its own amenities and associations and their own fees.
There is also new homes being sold in the area.
Check out
The Town of Apple Valley is a great place to spend your retirement years.
If you are interested in looking for a new home in one of our Senior Communities, please contact me. Thanks and Happy House Hunting, Karen @Hamilton Landon GMAC
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