Friday, December 28, 2007

My First House

My husband and I are personally responsible for housing booms all over So. California. Every time we would move somewhere the housing prices would boom. So we finally make our way to the Victor Valley 17 years ago and we found our home. We lived in a few different houses since we've been here, but truly the Victor Valley is home and where we have raised our kids and have become part of the community.

We first moved up here because our daughter had allergies and was miserable in the LA basin. We came up over the hill and she cleared up and we knew then that this is where we were moving.

So we look around and we talk to lots of the new housing tracks and they all were $10,000 more than we felt like we could go for a house. So we started looking at the resale market.

We had the following ideas about where we wanted to live......

Near the freeway, my husband was commuting at the time.

The house needed to be light blue to match our picnic table,

and it needed a long hall for the family pictures.

We were out and about driving around and we ran into an open house one afternoon, it might have been because of an ad in the paper and we drive up to the house,

that is right off the freeway,

blue and white,

check and double check.

We go inside and meet the agent and do the tour of the house,

long hall way.

Check, check, check.

It was OUR house and we both knew it, I was jumping up and down in the hall way, hopefully out of sight of the agent saying, "I want it, I want it, I want it."

So we made our offer and the agent helped us get a loan.

They accepted it and we were on our way.

This all happened in Nov of 1991. My husband got his Christmas bonus in Dec, that was our down payment and New Year's Eve we moved in to our new home. We'll we didn't move in that day, but we slept in the house for the first time that night. We also made our first call to poison control. We were painting, the house was all closed up because it was winter. We had our 14 month old with us sleeping on the floor. Well to many paint fumes and not enough fresh air.
It really scared us more than did anything to her except to have her cough for a few minutes.
It's funny now but it wasn't then.

So we got our first house and had our second child there and made great friends with the neighbors. We still drive by it know and again. But I'd rather remember it the way it was rather than look at what the new people that live there now have done. It was a great first house and it left us with great memories.

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